Laser Spectroscopy of Muonic Atoms

Seminarium zewnętrzne
Prelegent i afiliacja: 
Prof. Randolf Pohl (Uniwersytet Jana Gutenberga w Moguncji / Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz)
pon., 2017-05-15 16:30
Wydział Fizyki UW, sala nr 0.03 (parter) przy ul. Pasteura 5

In muonic atoms, the atomic electrons are replaced by a single muon. Due to the large muon mass and correspondingly small Bohr orbit, nuclear structure effects on atomic energy levels are vastly enhanced.

We have performed laser spectroscopy on muonic hydrogen, deuterium, and helium-3 and -4 ions, with surprising results. Our value of the proton and deuteron charge radii are, for example, 5-6 standard deviations smaller than the corresponding world averages from regular atoms and electron scattering.

I will discuss the so-called "proton radius puzzle", report on more measurements in muonic atoms, and the result of a new measurement in regular atomic hydrogen.

Od godz. 16 zapraszamy uczestników na kawę, ciastka i nieformalne dyskusje przy wejściu do sali 0.03.

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Marek Pfützner
Jan Suffczyński

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